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Currency Converter

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Date: 22 Jul 2024, 15:12 PM

Convert US Dollar to Thai Baht

Convert US Dollar to Thai Baht at the live exchange rate using our USD to THB currency converter. Alternatively use our cheatsheet table below to view the live exchange rates for US Dollar (USD) to Thai Baht (THB) at set values.

Convert USD to THB Convert US Dollar to Thai Baht
1 USD = THB 1 US Dollar = Thai Baht
5 USD = THB 5 US Dollar = Thai Baht
10 USD = THB 10 US Dollar = Thai Baht
25 USD = THB 25 US Dollar = Thai Baht
50 USD = THB 50 US Dollar = Thai Baht
100 USD = THB 100 US Dollar = Thai Baht
500 USD = THB 500 US Dollar = Thai Baht
1000 USD = THB 1000 US Dollar = Thai Baht
5000 USD = THB 5000 US Dollar = Thai Baht
10000 USD = THB 10000 US Dollar = Thai Baht

Convert Thai Baht to US Dollar

This table displays the exchange rate for THB to USD at the current exchange rate proving the values for the Thai Baht and the US Dollar.
Convert THB to USD Convert Thai Baht to US Dollar
1 THB = USD 1 Thai Baht = US Dollar
5 THB = USD 5 Thai Baht = US Dollar
10 THB = USD 10 Thai Baht = US Dollar
25 THB = USD 25 Thai Baht = US Dollar
50 THB = USD 50 Thai Baht = US Dollar
100 THB = USD 100 Thai Baht = US Dollar
500 THB = USD 500 Thai Baht = US Dollar
1000 THB = USD 1000 Thai Baht = US Dollar
5000 THB = USD 5000 Thai Baht = US Dollar
10000 THB = USD 10000 Thai Baht = US Dollar

Money Transfer Brokers

Get a great rate when sending money overseas! These leading foreign exchange providers charge no transfer fees and offer bank beating rates and excellent guidance when transferring money for your own or business needs. Get a free no obligation quote now. 

Handling over $10 Billion of FX on behalf of its clients Rational FX is one of Europe's leading currency transfer providers.

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Located in London City Newbridge FX posses a skilled team to best manage your personal and business FX exposure mitigating currency risk.

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Money Corp's global presence allows Moneycorp to service clients all over the world, its comprehensive FX solutions benefit businesses and individuals alike.

  • Office Locations: UK, USA, SPAIN, HK, Brazil, UAE
  • Transfer Fee: £0
  • Transfer Speed: 1-3 days
  • View on Trustpilot
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Foreign Exchange Trading & Cryptocurrency Providers

Trade foreign exchange, Cryptocurrency and other indices online via these leading trading platforms. Offering the best spreads, you can access live and training platforms below. 

Vantage FX prides itself on providing a transparent trading environment for new and season.

  • FX trading: YES
  • Crypto: YES
  • Min Spread: 0.0
  • Min Deposit: $200
  • Leverage (up to): 500:1
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This Global leader in FX and CFD trading began in 1999. FXCM offers courses and trading tools to new traders and excellent pricing.

  • FX trading: YES
  • Crypto: YES
  • Min Spread: 0.0
  • Min Deposit: $360
  • Leverage (up to): 400:1
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Travel Money Providers

Get travel money sent to your door at a great foreign exchange rate. Foreign currency can be reserved online or over the phone and be collected or delivered in cash or loaded on a currency card. 

Fair FX offering travel money and currency card capable of holding 15 major currencies.

  • Min Order: £100
  • Free Delivery: £750+
  • Delivery cost: £7.50
  • Currency card: YES
  • Buyback: YES
  • View on Trustpilot
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Founded in 2016 Currency online group has immense knowledge of the Travel money sector.

  • Min Order: £100
  • Free Delivery: £750+
  • Delivery cost: £7.50
  • Currency card: YES
  • Buyback: YES
  • View on Trustpilot
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